Thursday 4 October 2012

Evaluative Blog Post 2 - Using the Program

     Today was the lecture regarding more skilled tactics in the 3D Modelling. Although i haven't practically used them yet i do enjoy the idea of extruding 2D images and Boolean operations. I do intend to incorporate these skills in both the VLE provided exercises and my overall Assignment Models in the hope that they will speed up the production.
     Regarding the program, i did manage to do a small part of my Castle. It became apparent to me about the cylinder's high use of polygons - which would prove to be problematic. In addition, i find converting the primitive into a Editable Poly much easier than using an Editable Mesh, so it is clear that i might have to improve my skills with meshes.
Destroyer and Tie fighters
     The progress on the assignment is similar to the events of last week. I still need to find a concise and free-flowing story that will cover no more and no less than thirty seconds. However, i also look forward to drawing up a storyboard and designing the models for a Star Destroyer and some Tie Fighters (despite the fact that Tie Fighters appear simplistic and probably overused). In the future, i will also use the skills i have been taught and ask my Tutor about some animations, with the intention of using an Explosion effect whereby components may detach from themselves to aid the illusion that the device has exploded.

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