Monday 22 October 2012


You will have to pardon my quick-sketching style, but this is the storyboard of my Animation. When i play it in my head it reaches around 28-32 seconds so i can manage it in the 30 second marker.
I will explain the story anyway within further detail.

1) "External Shots fire at the Engine Room, destroying the Engines" - An external enemy ship will off-screen fire at the main Engine Chamber (which i am adapting from the Death Star's engines in the mood board). The shots will further cause explosions signalling the destruction of the engines.

2) "Engines on the Star Destroyer Flicker then turn off" - An in-atmosphere Star Destroyer will start emitting some smoke (optional) as the engine lights will flicker on and off like a light bulb about to burn out, showing the external effect of the previous scene.

3) "Camera Switches sideways as the Star Destroyer Stalls! The ship then starts tilting downwards" - The ship will encounter a dramatic stall from the momentum that the engines could muster in its final moments, the stall could be followed by a dramatic change in the music (again, optional). After a brief stall, the ship begins its nosedive into the ground.

4) "Switch to cockpit showing the ship tilting down" - The cockpit was a late addition to the animation. The cockpit will show the falling course of the Star Destroyer, many alarms and red alerts taking place during this drop to signal panic within the ship.

5) "Star Destroyer Drops towards Camera, a Tie Fighter clips the ship and spins out of the screen" - As the Mighty ship falls in a towards-the-screen fashion, a panicked Tie Figher will try to escape the vicinity, only for its wing to hit a part of the Destroyer and, with one less wing, proceed to corkscrew out of the frame followed by a spiral of smoke.

6) "The Star Destroyer Crashes" - The ship hits nose first into the surface, the direct hit from the nose causes gravity to raise it so that the back can also land, meaning that the ship will flap a little while crashing, presumably causing a little drag and indefinitely creating flying debris

7) "The Star Destroyer Explodes" - Once the ship has become still, a brief pause is made before the ship gives way, exploding from the center as debris rain around the crash area. The scene will later fade out to end the animation.

I'm sorry that this took so long to post, other priorities have made me forget about this. I will also add the physical copy of this to my assignment (it'll be the shortest looking assignment i've ever handed in).
Furthermore, my progress has increased, i am half way on my Star Destroyer but there is still much to do. Although, having seen complete works from others i still find myself to be both polygon strict and probably a little out of depth. However, what matters is that the work is done, and Done it shall become!

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